WWF In Your House 4 (1995): A Retrospective Review

“In Your House 4,” airing on October 22, 1995, is a significant but often overlooked event in WWF’s history. Nestled in a year of transition, it embodies the struggles WWF faced both in front of the camera and behind the scenes, as they sought to adapt to the rapidly changing wrestling landscape. With the influence of “The Kliq” becoming more pronounced, this pay-per-view stands as a testament to the backstage politics and narrative challenges that were setting the stage for WWF’s evolution.

The Matches:


Fatu vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley:

Reiterating their previous encounters, Fatu and Helmsley’s bout exemplified the contrasts of WWF’s roster – the reinvention of established stars against the newcomers. Helmsley, who would later evolve into “Triple H,” was still in the early stages of his WWF journey, portraying the “Connecticut Blueblood.” Their match, while not the night’s highlight, was solid, showcasing the potential that lay within these performers.

Razor Ramon and the 1-2-3 Kid vs. The Smoking Gunns

Smoking Gunns vs. Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid – WWF Tag Team Championship Match

A tag team championship bout that was tinged with an undercurrent of betrayal. The narrative focus here was the tension between Razor and Kid, foreshadowing a potential split. The match itself was engaging, with both teams displaying good chemistry. The Gunns’ victory, however, was overshadowed by the cracks forming in the Ramon/Kid alliance.

Marty Jannetty vs. Goldust

Goldust vs. Marty Jannetty:

This match was significant for introducing Goldust, a character that would become one of WWF’s most enduring and controversial figures. The androgynous, mind-game playing Goldust, against the athletic Jannetty, made for an intriguing dynamic. The match showcased Goldust’s unique in-ring style and his potential as a heel.

Shawn Michaels vs. Shane Dean Douglas Intercontinental Championship

Dean Douglas, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon – WWF Intercontinental Title Match

One of the most significant moments from “In Your House 4” revolved around the Intercontinental Championship. Initially, fans anticipated a showdown between the reigning champion, Shawn Michaels, and the challenger, Dean Douglas. It was a bout brimming with potential, given Michaels’ reputation for delivering stellar matches and Douglas’s technical prowess. The narrative buildup, combined with the athletic promise, had made it one of the most awaited bouts of the night.

However, real-life events would dramatically alter the planned trajectory. Prior to the pay-per-view, Shawn Michaels was involved in a real-life altercation outside a Syracuse nightclub, which left him injured and unable to compete. WWF, in response to this unforeseen circumstance, had Michaels forfeit the title. The Heartbreak Kid’s emotional relinquishing of his championship, citing his inability to wrestle, added a layer of realism rarely seen. With Dean Douglas being the beneficiary, he was crowned the new Intercontinental Champion, a significant milestone in his WWF career.

Yet, the swerves didn’t end there. Immediately after being handed the title, Dean Douglas found himself defending it against Razor Ramon. The sudden switch, taking Douglas from the elation of victory to the immediacy of defense, created a palpable tension. Razor Ramon, seizing the moment, managed to defeat Douglas, thereby becoming the new Intercontinental Champion. The rapidity of these title changes was not just shocking but underscored the unpredictability that professional wrestling can often deliver.

Behind-the-Scenes Implications:

This segment wasn’t just significant in kayfabe terms but also hinted at the backstage dynamics and politics. The quick transition of the title from Douglas to Razor, both Kliq members, was viewed by many insiders as indicative of The Kliq’s growing influence. While Douglas’s tenure with the gold was brief, it highlighted the tumultuous nature of the wrestling business, where real-life incidents could dramatically reshape on-screen narratives.

Yokozuna vs. Mabel

Yokozuna vs. King Mabel:

Two of WWF’s behemoths faced off in a bout that, while not a technical masterpiece, showcased the spectacle that WWF could deliver. The match was a power struggle, with both men attempting to assert dominance.

Diesel Kevin Nash vs. British Bulldog

Diesel vs. The British Bulldog – WWF Championship Match:

The main event saw Diesel defending his WWF Championship. The match itself was emblematic of Diesel’s title reign – while he had the look and charisma, the narratives around him often lacked depth. Bulldog, turned heel, was a credible challenger, but the match didn’t reach the heights one would expect from a main event.

Behind the Scenes:

The undercurrents of this event are intrinsically tied to the rising influence of “The Kliq,” a backstage group comprising Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Triple H, and the 1-2-3 Kid. Their backstage sway was palpable. Diesel was the reigning WWF Champion, Razor Ramon was embroiled in a high-profile tag bout, and Triple H was being groomed for bigger things.

However, the most telling indication of The Kliq’s influence was not what happened at “In Your House 4” but what followed it. Originally, Shawn Michaels was set to defend his Intercontinental Championship against Dean Douglas. However, an altercation at a Syracuse nightclub left Michaels legitimately injured, and he was unable to compete. Instead of a competitive bout, Michaels forfeited the title to Douglas, who subsequently lost it to Razor Ramon in mere minutes. The rapid title transition, favoring two Kliq members, raised eyebrows and further cemented the group’s controversial reputation.

In a broader context, “In Your House 4” highlighted WWF’s narrative struggles. Their competition, WCW, was gaining momentum, and WWF’s product often felt caught between eras. There was the remnants of the cartoonish early ’90s, represented by characters like Fatu, juxtaposed against edgier content exemplified by personas like Goldust.


While “In Your House 4” might not feature in the list of WWF’s most iconic events, its significance in the broader tapestry of wrestling history is undeniable. It offers insights into the company’s creative challenges, the shifting power dynamics backstage, and the performers who would shape the industry’s future.

The event serves as a window into a WWF that was on the cusp of a metamorphosis. From the ashes of such transitional periods, the seeds of reinvention are sown. In the struggles and politics of events like “In Your House 4,” one can trace the early signs of the revolutionary changes that the wrestling world would soon witness.

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