WCW Fall Brawl: War Games (1993) – A Retrospective Review

Fall Brawl 1993: War Games and WCW’s Quest for Supremacy

1993’s Fall Brawl remains one of the most memorable events in WCW’s storied history. At the core of its success was the War Games match – a dual-ring, steel cage contest that served both as a spectacle and a platform for advancing intricate storylines.

Diverse Match Card

Erik Watts vs. Bobby Eaton

The opening match between Erik Watts and Bobby Eaton set a lukewarm tone for the event. Watts, the son of then-WCW booker Bill Watts, was pushed heavily despite a lack of fan support and in-ring experience. His victory over the seasoned Eaton was seen as an example of nepotism, overshadowing the match’s technical aspects.

Lord Steven Regal vs. Ricky Steamboat (World T.V. Title Match)

The standout match of the night was undoubtedly Lord Steven Regal’s bout against Ricky Steamboat for the WCW World Television Championship. Regal, a master of technical wrestling, and Steamboat, known for his in-ring storytelling, delivered a clinic in technical prowess. This match was a bright spot, showcasing the kind of wrestling WCW could offer at its best.

Mid-Card Matches

The mid-card matches, including Charlie Norris vs. Big Sky and 2 Cold Scorpio and Marcus Bagwell vs. The Equalizer and Paul Orndorff, served their purpose but were largely forgettable. Ice Train’s quick win over Shanghai Pierce and The Nasty Boys’ victory over Arn Anderson and Paul Roma for the WCW World Tag Team Championship were indicative of WCW’s struggle to balance its emerging stars with established talent.

Cactus Jack vs. Yoshi Kwan

Cactus Jack’s match against Yoshi Kwan was a short but significant moment, primarily for its contribution to the ongoing narrative of Cactus Jack’s amnesia storyline, a creative yet bizarre example of WCW’s storytelling at the time.

Ric Flair vs. Rick Rude (World Title Match)

The main event, featuring Ric Flair defending the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship against Rick Rude, was a clash of two of the industry’s best. The match was a testament to both performers’ in-ring abilities and charisma. However, it was marred by behind-the-scenes politics. Flair’s return to WCW after a stint in WWF had been fraught with power struggles, particularly with WCW Executive Vice President Bill Watts. The match, while excellent, was overshadowed by these tensions, as Flair’s booking and creative direction were constantly under scrutiny.

WarGames Match

The WarGames match featuring Sting, Davey Boy Smith, Dustin Rhodes, and The Shockmaster against Sid Vicious, Vader, and Harlem Heat was an exercise in chaos. The inclusion of The Shockmaster, infamous for his botched debut, was a decision that puzzled many fans and insiders alike. This match, while filled with star power, struggled to live up to the lofty expectations set by previous WarGames matches.

WCW Fall Brawl 1993 was an event that reflected the broader issues within WCW at the time. While there were glimpses of brilliance, particularly in the Regal-Steamboat match, much of the event was hampered by questionable booking decisions and internal politics. The main event between Flair and Rude, while a technical masterpiece, highlighted the power struggles that would plague WCW throughout the 1990s. Fall Brawl 1993 stands as a microcosm of WCW’s potential and pitfalls during a critical period in the company’s history.

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